

08.01.2021. EVY & GHOST puppies were born! 5 females. Grey tervueren puppies available

25.11.2020. We expect Tervueren puppies for Christmas!!! EVY was mated on 26. 10. 2020.

25.09.2020. Our plan for 2021!

08.05.2020. EVY & PACO puppies were born! 1 male - 3 females, all black & Young Groenendael boy still available

14.02.2020. CH EVY du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated on 12 - 14 February with the handsome CH BISS PACO du Chemin des Sorciéres. We expect only groenendael puppies!

22.12.2019. Our plan for 2020! & Our new Tervueren male PABLO du Bois du TOT

07.09.2019. Groenendael male puppy ARES du Chemin des Sorciéres still available.

14.08.2019. IN MEMORIAM VITO du Chemin des Sorciéres

23.02.2019. THAI & GHOST puppies were born! Groenendael: 2 males & 2 females Tervueren: 1 silver males & 1 silver female!!!

22.12.2018. CH THAI du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated on 20 - 22 December with the handsome BISS Ts GHOST du Chemin des Sorciéres!

24.09.2018. IN MEMORIAM ANGIE du Chemin des Sorciéres

08.09.2018. POCAHONTAS & GHOST puppies were born! Groenendael: 2 males & 2 females Tervueren: 1 silver males & 1 red male & 1 red female!!!

10.08.2018. POCAHONTAS is pregnant!!! Puppies expected around 04. 09. 2018.!!!

11.07.2018. CH POCAHONTAS du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated on 3 - 4 July with the handsome BISS Ts GHOST du Chemin des Sorciéres! We expect groenendael and tervueren puppies! &  New photos of KUCHI

03.03.2018. THAI became BEST YOUNG GROENENDAEL FEMALE of the year 2017!!! & KRIS became BEST TERVUEREN MALE of the year 2017!!!

08.12.2017. EVY & KWANDO puppies were born! 3 males - 3 females!!!

10.10.2017. CH EVY du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated on 6-7 October with the handsome CH pE sr Eternity's KWANDO.We expect only groenendael puppies! &  New photos of PACO

02.10.2017. Great results on the Hungarian Speciality! judge: Emanuele Boriero &  XANTOS Very Promising 1, Baby Res. BEST IN SHOW & WINNETOU Very Promising 1, Puppy BEST IN SHOW & UNIQUA Junior Special Winner, Junior BEST IN SHOW & THAI got RCAC & SANDY got RCAC & QASH got RCAC & KRIS CAC Special Winner

11.06.2017. International show Velence:  QASH got CAC CACIB BOB! and finished his champion titel. He is HUNGARIAN SHOW CHAMPION!!! KRIS got CAC CACIB BOB

06.06.2017. POCAHONTAS & TOBY puppies were born! 6 males - 3 females. Some puppies still available!!!

20.05.2017. Great results on the Slovakien Speciality!THAI got CAC & VENUS very promising 1 and Puppy BEST IN SHOW!!! &  KRIS got CAC

08.05.2017. POCAHONTAS is pregnant!!! GROENENDAEL puppies expected around 01. 06. 2017.!!!

22.04.2017. Great results on the Hungarian Clubshow! judge: Brice Roise VENUS Very Promising 1, Baby Res. BEST IN SHOW!!! & KRIS CAC Club Winner, BOB, Res BEST IN SHOW!!! & GHOST CAC

26.04.2017. We have a Tervueren male and a Groenendael female available!!!

02.04.2017. We have a Tervueren male available!!! & POCAHONTAS du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated on 31. March with TOBY Comme un Reve Noir

13.03.2017. New photos of the puppies!

03.03.2017. QASH & EVY puppies were born! Groenendael: 2 males - 1 female Tervueren: 3 males

18.02.2017. EVY is pregnant!!! TERVUEREN and GROENENDAEL puppies expected around 03. 03. 2017.!!!

18.02.2017. Great results on the Hungarian Speciality! judge: Marie-France Varlet THAI HPJ, Junior Special Winner, Junior BEST IN SHOW!!! & KRIS CAC Special Winner, BOB, Res BEST IN SHOW!!!

09.01.2017. International show Budapest:  THAI got Junior Winner BOB KRIS got CAC CACIB BOB

03.01.2017. EVY du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated on 29. - 31. December with QASH du Chemin des Sorciéres. Groenendael and Tervueren puppies are expected!! & Our new female: VENUS

10.12.2016. New photos of the puppies!

11.11.2016. QASH & HONEY DREAM puppies were born! 6 males - 3 females & We made our plans for 2017.! & new photos of THAI  & new photos of GRACE

23.10.2016. National show Dunaújváros:  QASH got CAC BOB

08.10.2016. International show Komárom:  QASH got CAC CACIB BOB & KRIS got CAC CACIB BOS

03.10.2016. HONEY DREAM is pregnant!!! Puppies expected around 01. 11. 2016.!!!

01.10.2016. Great results on the Hungarian Speciality! judge: Rui Alves Monteiro QASH CAC, Special Winner, BOS & KRIS CAC Special Winner, BOS & SANDY Junior Special Winner, Junior BEST IN SHOW & UNIQUA Baby BEST IN SHOW

03.09.2016. HONEY DREAM des Gardiens de Cocagne was mated on 01. - 03. September with QASH du Chemin des Sorciéres

28.08.2016. National show Velence -H:  QASH got CAC BOB & KRIS got CAC BOB

06.08.2016. New puppies plan: QASH du Chemin des Sorciéres & HONEY DREAM des Gardiens de Cocagne & THAI page was update

28.07.2016. QASH page was update

17.06.2016. Groenendael puppy are for sale

27.04.2016. PACO & EVY puppies were born! 2 males - 3females

21.02.2016. First video of Altesse's pups

17.02.2016. TOBY & ALTESSE puppies were born! 4 males - 2 females

31.01.2016. ALTESSE is pregnant!!! Puppies expected around 18. 02. 2016.!!! & QASH became BEST YOUNG GROENENDAEL MALE of the year 2015!!!

19.12.2015. ALTESSE du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated on 17. - 19. December with TOBY Comme un Reve Noir

27.11.2015. Great results on the Slovakien Speciality! judge: Marion Ten Cate QASH Junior Winner, Best Junior Groenendael, Junior BEST IN SHOW!!! & EVY got RCAC

04.10.2015. Great results on the Hungarian Speciality! judge: Michele Bidault QASH Junior Winner, BOS, Junior BEST IN SHOW!!! & HONEY DREAM got CAC & KUCHI got CAC Special Winner, Best Male, BOS!!! & SANDY Baby Best in Show & HARMONY RCAC

27.09.2015. National show Kecskemét -H: PACO got CAC & QASH got HPJ, Best Junior, BOB

21.05.2015. PACO & EVY puppies were born! 3 males - 4 females

30.04.2015. Great results on the Hungarian Clubshow! judge: Firmin Aergeerts GHOST got CAC, Club Winner, BOB, BEST IN SHOW!!! & POCAHONTAS got CAC & KRIS excellent1 in working class & QASH Puppy Best in Show!!!

23.04.2015. EVY is pregnant!!! Puppies expected around 22. 05. 2015.

21.03.2015. PACO & HONEY DREAM puppies were born! 3 males - 6 females

20.03.2015. EVY du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated on 20. 03. 2015. with PACO du Chemin des Sorciéres &  New photos of PACO

17.02.2015. HONEY DREAM is pregnant!!! Puppies expected around 21. 03. 2015. &  New photos of HONEY DREAM & OTHELLO

10.02.2015. GHOST has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-A1, ED 0/0!

19.01.2015. HONEY DREAM des Gardiens de Cocagne was mated with PACO du Chemin des Sorciéres on 16-18. 01. 2015.!!! &  New photos of POCAHONTAS

11.01.2015. IN MEMORIAM CLEO du Pré du Vieux Pont

11.01.2015. New photos of GHOST

07.11.2014. New photos of the puppies!

04.10.2014. Fandango & Altesse puppies were born! groenendael: 2 males - 1 female & tervueren: 5 females!

04.10.2014. Great results on the Hungarian Speciality! judge: Cath Bond HONEY DREAM got CAC, Special Winner, Best Female, BOB!!! & PACO got CAC & KRIS CAC in working class & HARMONY Puppy Best in Show &  PACO, HONEY DREAM and KUCHI are selected for "Ts"

13.09.2014. New photos of HARMONY

11.09.2014. International show Kecskemét -H: PACO got RCAC RCACIB & KRIS got CAC CACIB BOB

02.09.2014. ALTESSE is pregnant!!! Groenendael and Tervueren puppies expected around 06. 10. 2014. &  New photos of PACO

11.08.2014. ALTESSE du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with FANDANGO du Bois du Tot on 4-5. 08. 2014.!!!

10.08.2014. National show Velence -H:  NIKE got CAC BOB! & KRIS got CAC BOB

02.08.2014.  KRIS succesfully passed the herding exam, on which he scored 96 points out of 100.!!!

12.07.2014. International show Szombathely -H:  PACO got HPJ Junior Winner BOB! and finished the Hungarian Junior Champion title

20.06.2014. Great results on the Hungarian Club Show! PACO got HPJ, Junior Club Winner, BOS, Junior BEST IN SHOW!!! & EVY got RCAC & NIKE got CAC & KRIS CAC, CLUB WINNER and BOB!!!

25.05.2014. National show Kapuvár -H:  PACO got HPJ Junior Winner BOB! & POCAHONTAS got HPJ Junior Winner BOS and finished the Hungarian Junior Champion title & EVY got CAC BOB

14.05.2014. International show Székesfehérvár -H:  PACO got HPJ Junior Winner BOB! & POCAHONTAS got HPJ Junior Winner BOS & KRIS got CAC CACIB BOB &  New photos of PACO

04.05.2014. Tervueren puppies are for sale!

01.05.2014. Great results on the Slovakian Speciality! judge: Mr Bottagisio:POCAHONTAS got CAJC Junior Club Winner & NIKE got RCAC  & PACO got exc 2 in junior class

15.03.2014. New photos of the puppies!

27.02.2014. New photos of the puppies!

20.02.2014. IN MEMORIAM Lanaken Natasha

19.02.2014. International show Budapest 2. day -H:  KUCHI got CAC CACIB BOB & NIKE got CAC CACIB BOB & KRIS got CAC RCACIB & GRACE got HPJ BOS

19.02.2014. International show Budapest 1. day -H:  KRIS got CAC CACIB BOB & GRACE got HPJ and finished the Hungarian Junior Champion title

14.02.2014. Tervuern puppies were born! 4 males - 3 females

12.01.2014. ANGIE is pregnant!!! Tervueren puppies expected around 12. 02. 2014.

11.01.2014. New photos of PACO & POCAHONTAS

10.12.2013. ANGIE du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with KUCHI Esprit v't Groenveld on 10. 12. 2013.!!! & Big update on gallery

12.11.2013. OTHELLO has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-A, ED 0/0! New photos.

12.11.2013. FLASH has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-A1, ED 0/0!

06.10.2013. National show Szeged -H:  KUCHI got HPJ BOB!!! and finished the Hungarian Junior Champion title & NIKE got CAC BOB & News photos of KUCHI

28.09.2013. Great results on the Hungarian Speciality! judge: Kris Malinowski.NIKE got HPJ, Junior Winner, Junior BEST IN SHOW!!! & HONEY DREAM got CAC, Special Winner, Best Female, BOS & GHOST got HPJ, Junior Winner, Best Junior Tervueren & JYLL got Veteran CAC, Veteran Best in Show 2 & KRIS exc 3

18.09.2013. Male puppy for sale! & Puppies page was update!!! & News page for PACO  & for POCAHONTAS

27.07.2013. New video of the puppies!

30.06.2013. New photos of the puppies!

09.06.2013. Daring Devil & Altesse puppies were born! groenendael: 4 males - 1 female & tervueren: 2 males!

09.06.2013. National show Herend -H:  HONEY DREAM got CAC & NIKE got HPJ & KRIS got CAC BOB

27.05.2013. KUCHI has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-A, ED 0/0! He have Hungarian character test with "excellent" and became "Breeding male"

27.05.2013. New photos of GHOST& OTHELLO

20.05.2013. Great results on the Hungarian Club Show! judge: Mrs Ten CateHONEY DREAM got HPJ, Junior Club Winner & GHOST Puppy Res Best in Show & EVY got CAC & NIKE exc 2 & KRIS exc 3 & and our kennel Best Breeding Group with Ghost - Kris - Evy

13.05.2013. Puppies page was update!!! & News photos of HONEY DREAM

30.04.2013. HONEY DREAM has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-A, ED 0/0!

28.04.2013. Our tervueren boy  KUSHI  and our groenendael girl   HONEY DREAM  passed the Hungarian character test

21.04.2013. National show Jászberény -H:  HONEY DREAM got HPJ BOB!!! and finished the Hungarian Junior Champion title & EVY got CAC BOB & KRIS got CAC

25.04.2013. IN MEMORIAM Duc du Chemin des Sorciéres

13.04.2013. Great results on the Slovakian Speciality! judge: Mr Nallin:NIKE got exc 1 in youth class & HONEY DREAM got CAC & EVY got exc 2

06.04.2013. ALTESSE du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with DARING DEVIL Av Vikholmen on 04-05. 04. 2013.!!! & New photos of OTHELLO & FLORENCE

26.03.2013. KRIS became BEST TERVUEREN MALE of the year 2012 & EVY became BEST YOUNG TERVUEREN FEMALE of the year 2012 & New: results page

08.03.2013. New photos of EVY & NIKE

24.02.2013. New photos of HONEY DREAM & NIKE

18.02.2013. International show Budapest 2. day -H:  KUCHI got HPJ Best Junior Tervueren & KRIS got CAC CACIB BOB & HONEY DREAM got HPJ

18.02.2013. International show Budapest 1. day -H:  KUCHI got HPJ Best Junior Tervueren BOB! & KRIS got CAC CACIB & HONEY DREAM got HPJ

06.02.2013. New photos of GHOST & GRACE & GINA & HONEY DREAM & NIKE & Our Groenendael plans for spring - summer!

13.12.2012. IN MEMORIAM Multi CH Ts ZIMBA des Terres Bergéres

30.11.2012. Great results on the Slovakian Speciality! judge: S. Vermeylen:KUCHI got Very Promissing & HONEY DREAM got Junior Special Winner, Junior BEST IN SHOW!!!

21.11.2012. KUCHI site was update & HONEY DREAM site was update

22.10.2012. News photos of the tervueren puppies! Some puppies still available!

29.09.2012. Great results on the Hungarian Speciality! judge: Mr Boriero:KRIS got CAC, Best Male & KUCHI got Baby Best in Show!!! & EVY got Best Young Tervueren

26.09.2012. Damon & Altesse puppies were born! groenendael: 2 males - 2 females & tervueren: 4 males!

14.09.2012. Tervueren puppies from Fantome & Angie were born! 3 males & 6 females!

12.09.2012. Our two news Champion:EVY becom HUNGARIA JUNIOR CHAMPION & KRIS becom HUNGARIA SHOW CHAMPION

27.08.2012. ALTESSE is pregnant!!! Groenedale & Tervueren puppies expected around 25. 09. 2012.

16.08.2012. ANGIE is pregnant!!! Tervueren puppies expected around 14. 09. 2012.

12.07.2012. Groenendael:ALTESSE du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with DAMON du Bois du Tot on 24-25. 07. 2012.!!!

12.07.2012. Tervueren:ANGIE du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with FANTOME du Bois du Tot on 12-14. 07. 2012.!!!

12.07.2012. Our new family member KUCHI v't Groenveld

01.07.2012. New Tervueren & Groenendael plans!

31.05.2012. News photos of the tervueren puppies! & new photos of HONEY DREAM

25.04.2012. Groenendael puppies were born on 24.05.2012.!

28.05.2012. News video of the tervueren puppies!

01.05.2012. First photos of the puppies!

25.04.2012. Tervueren puppies were born! 1 male & 3 females!

23.04.2012. JYLL is pregnant!!! Groenendael & Tervueren puppies expected around 27. 05. 2012.& new photos of HONEY DREAM

21.04.2012. Great results on the Hungarian Speciality! judge: Mme Varlet:KRIS got CAC + selected Ts.!!! & BATISSE: Club Winner, BEST MALE & EVY got 2e in young class

28.03.2012. Groenendael:HSCH EUCH Ts sr JYLL-NAT du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with DAMON du Bois du Tot on 24-25. 03. 2012.!!!

28.03.2012. Our new family member HONEY DREAM des Gardiens de Cocagne

11.03.2012. New video of Kris

11.03.2012. New photos of MOONLIGHT

05.10.2011. VIII. Monografica Z.Centro, Toledo Spain judge: Mr E. Desschans  MISS: Junior Winner, Best Junior Groenendael

10.03.2012. Our tervueren female HOLLY has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-B, ED/00

19.02.2012. Tervueren:HSCH HJCH Ts ELLE des Terres Bergéres was mated with HJCH BISS KRIS du Chemin des Sorciéres on 17. 02. 2012.!!!

10.02.2012. Adult Tervueren female for sale

10.02.2012. KRIS became BEST YOUNG TERVUEREN MALE of the year 2011 & DUC became CLUB STAR 2011

02.02.2012. Our Groenendael plans for spring!

30.01.2012. Tervueren female for sale! HOLLY du Chemin des Sorciéres & new photos of EVY

19.01.2012. New photos of QRACK

16.12.2011. Tervueren:Angie du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with Qrack du Chemin des Sorciéres on 16. 12. 2011.!!! & new photos of EVY

30.11.2011. EVY du Chemin des Sorciéres has a new page& new photos of EVY& new photos of KRIS in training

05.10.2011. Especial de Cría CEPPB 2011. judge: Mrs Amanda McLaren MISS: very promising 1, Best Baby Groenendael

21.09.2011. Great results on the Hungarian Specialty! judge: Mrs Jacky Macandie/UK:KRIS got CAC - Special Winner, Best Male!!! &  JYLL: RCAC & EVY:very promising 1  & CLOE: CAC

21.09.2011. New photos of KRIS & JYLL-NAT & EVY & CLOE

20.09.2011. Our tervueren boy KRIS passed the Hungarian character test and are selected for breeding!

07.09.2011. Our tervueren male KRIS has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-A, ED 0/0!

28.08.2011. One beautiful tervueren female is still available!!

26.08.2011. NE Aubigny sur Nere:SHEENA got exc 6 &   BATISSE got excellent + TAN

02.08.2011. Update: Duc page

31.07.2011. One beautiful Tervueren female is still available!

19.07.2011. New video of the tervueren puppies

18.07.2011. New photos of the tervueren puppies. Female available!

12.07.2011. New video of the groenendael puppies

18.06.2011. National show Budapest -H:  Our tervueren male KRIS got CAC BOB, Best of Group 2!!!

13.06.2011. International show Komárom -H:  DUC got CAC CACIB BOB  and our tervueren male KRIS got CAC CACIB BOB

02.06.2011. Tervueren puppies were born! 2 males & 4 females!

31.05.2011. Groenendael puppies were born! 2 males & 5 females!

30.05.2011. International show Székesfehérvár -H:  KRIS got HPJ BOB! and becam HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION!!!

08.05.2011. ANGIE is pregnant!!!!!!!! Tervueren puppies expected around 03. 06. 2011.

06.05.2011. ALTESSE is pregnant!!!!!!!! Groenendael puppies expected around 29. 05. 2011.

01.04.2011. Tervueren:ANGIE du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with BISS Multi CH Ts BATISSE du Chemin des Sorciéres on 01. 04. 2011.!!!

27.03.2011. Groenendael:ALTESSE du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with HJCH JAMES du Chemin des Sorciéres on 27. 03. 2011.!!!

27.03.2011. Great results on the Hungarian Speciality! judge: Mr Griol:KRIS got Junior Club Winner -Junior BEST IN SHOW!!! & BATISSE: Club Winner BOB -BEST IN SHOW!!! & ELLE: Club Winner & DUC: exc 3

20.03.2011. ANGIE started her season, we expect tervueren puppies soon!

19.03.2011. New photos of KRIS & his sister AKC Champion KISS du Chemin des Sorciéres

15.03.2011. Today ALTESSE started her season, soon she will be bred! We expect groenendael puppies in May!

15.03.2011. IN MEMORIAM! HSCH sr VIKING des Terres Bergéres 02. 07. 1997. - 14. 03. 2011.

14.03.2011. Results from Crufts: COLD AS ICE du Chemin des Sorciéres (Grimmendans Fourlan & CH Elle des Terres Bergéres) WHC in the Limit dog class

24.02.2011. New photos of DUC

12.12.2010. Some show results: LKA show England: COLD AS ICE winning the Res Dog CC!!! & International Show Wels: INDY du Chemin des Sorciéres on 04. 12. got CACA RCACIB, on 05. 12. got CACA CACIB BOB!!!

08.11.2010. HSCH Ts SHEENA du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with the wonderful male VICTORY de Condivicnum on 05-06. 11. 2010.!!!

17.10.2010. International show Komárom -H:  JAMES got HPJ BOB! and becam HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION!!!

08.10.2010. JAMES has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-A, ED 0/0! New photos of JAMES

06.10.2010. Great results on the DKBS Autumn Special - Thale:  JAMES got V1 Res CAC &  GAIA got V1 CAC BOB!!! CALYPSO got V3.

26.09.2010. New photos of the 8-week old tervueren puppies (FURAC & ELLE).

19.09.2010. New photos of the 7-week old tervueren puppies (FURAC & ELLE).

13.09.2010. New photos of the 6-week old tervueren puppies (FURAC & ELLE).

12.09.2010. National show Kecskemét -H:  JAMES got HPJ BOB!

05.09.2010. National show Mosonmagyaróvár -H:  JAMES got HPJ &  I have received diploma FCI Inter Champion CIE for our Multi CH Ts Zimba des Terres Bergéres

29.08.2010. New photos of the 4-week old tervueren puppies (FURAC & ELLE).

24.08.2010. New photos of the 3-week old tervueren puppies (FURAC & ELLE).

15.08.2010. New photos of the 2-week old tervueren puppies (FURAC & ELLE).

01.08.2010. Tervueren puppies were born! 3 males & 4 females!

19.07.2010. New photos of the XERES & JYLL puppies.

18.07.2010. New photos of ANGIE and YZMIR

07.07.2010. ELLE is pregnant!!!!!!!! Tervueren puppies expected around 30. 07. 2010.

04.07.2010. New photos of the XERES & JYLL puppies.

21.06.2010. New photos of the XERES & JYLL puppies.

20.06.2010. National show Budapest -H:  GAIA got CAC BOB &  DUC got CAC &  New photos of ZIMBA

14.06.2010. XERES & JYLL's puppies were born!

06.06.2010. National show Székesfehérvár -H:  GAIA got CAC &  DUC got CAC BOB!!! &  New photos of DUC

31.05.2010. HSCH Ts ELLE des Terres Bergéres was mated with the wonderful male sr FURAC van de Hoge Laer on 28-29. 05. 2010.!!!

31.05.2010. NVBH clubmatch, Deurne:Vanessa-Nat got exc 1 RCAC!!! & Gaia: exc 4 &  Zimba: exc 2

19.05.2010. JYLL is pregnant!!!!!!!! Groenendael & Tervueren puppies expected around 12. 06. 2010.

12.05.2010. New photos of KISS and ELLEand BATISSE

08.05.2010. Great results on the Slovakian Specialty! judges: Mrs Margaret Pratten/UK:GAIA got CAC - Club Winner, Best Female!!! &  VITO: RCAC & ELLE: RCAC & BATISSE: RCAC

04.05.2010. New photos of KISS and ZIMBA

21.04.2010. New photos of KISS

12.04.2010. HSCH EUCH Ts sr JYLL-NAT du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with the handsome male XERES de l'Ocre Noir on 10. 04. 2010.!!!

07.04.2010. Duc became father again. Sibelle du Chemin des Sorciéres gave 7 healthy puppies today at family Jékey.

05.04.2010. One beautiful female is still available from the combination CH Vito du Chemin des Sorciéres & Altesse du Chemin des Sorciéres!

03.04.2010. International show Miskolc -H:  GAIA got CAC CACIB BOB!!! &  VITO got CAC CACIB

28.03.2010. New photos of the VITO & ALTESSE puppies.

21.03.2010. New photos of the VITO & ALTESSE puppies.

15.03.2010. New photos and video of the VITO & ALTESSE puppies.

14.03.2010. New video of JAMES

07.03.2010. New photos of the VITO & ALTESSE puppies.

28.02.2010. New photos of the VITO & ALTESSE puppies.

21.02.2010. New photos of the VITO & ALTESSE puppies.

20.02.2010. Champion show Budapest:BATISSE got Champion of the Year 2009. BOB!!!

14.02.2010. New photos of CALYPSO

11.02.2010. VITO & ALTESSE's puppies were born! 2 males - 6 females and 1 tervueren male!!!

24.01.2010. New photos of JAMES and BATISSE

16.01.2010. ALTESSE is pregnant!!!!!!!! Groenendael & Tervueren puppies expected around 10. 02. 2010.

10.01.2010. Our breeding plans for 2010

23.12.2009. New photos of JAMES and BELLEand YZMIR

21.12.2009. International show Wels:INDY got Very Promissing, Puppy BIS 3! Congratulations! New photos.

11.12.2009. We expect Groenendael & Tervueren puppies!!! ALTESSE du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with HSCH SKCH Ts VITO du Chemin des Sorciéres!

02.11.2009. New photos of INDY and CHANELand YZMIRand JAMES

17.10.2009. New photos of ANGIE

08.10.2009. Great results on the DKBS Autumn Special - Dietenhofen! CALYPSO got CAC. Congratulations!

01.10.2009. Great results on the BSB e.V Special - Bad Harzburg! judge: Mrs Schwarzentruber: VDH CH Karol-Iza got CAC & Venise got RCAC. Congratulations!

20.09.2009. New photos of DUC

12.09.2009. Great results on the Hungarian Specialty! GAIA: Junior Special Winner, JUNIOR BEST IN SHOW &  BATISSE: CAC, Best Male, Special Winner

12.09.2009. International show Kecskemét -H:ENJOY got CAC - CACIB - BOB  &  GAIA: Junior Winner & BATISSE: CAC - CACIB -BOB & New photos of Enjoy

06.09.2009. New photos of ZIMBA

25.08.2009. NE Saint Denis de l' Hotel:ZIMBA got exc 4, and passed CSAU &   GAIA got excellent (out of coat)

09.08.2009. National show Esztergom -H: COOPER got CAC BOB &  BRIE got CAC &  New photos of INDY

01.08.2009. National show Budapest -H:  GAIA got HPJ Junior Winner &  ICE got HPJ Junior Winner BOB!!! &  BRIE got CAC &  COOPER got CAC BOB

19.07.2009. New photos of CHILI

18.07.2009. International show Szombathely -H: judge: Benoit Thevenon - F.:ZIMBA got CAC - CACIB - BOB  &  GAIA: Junior Winner & BRIE: CAC & BATISSE: CAC - CACIB -BOB & ICE: Very promissing 1

25.06.2009. New photos of INDY

19.06.2009. Xanova Jeton Noir & Sheena's puppies were born! 7 males - 2 females!!!

09.06.2009. New photos of ICE and CLOE

05.06.2009. Great results on the DKBS Special! Gaia got 1 exc JUGENDSIEGER! & Elle got RCAC!!! & Zimba got 3 exc in champion classe

05.06.2009. National show Senec -SK:  BATISSE got CAC BOB and became SLOVAKIAN CHAMPION. Congratulations!

24.05.2009. SHEENA is pregnant!!!!!!!! Groenendael puppies expected around 21. 06. 2009.

18.05.2009. New photos of ZIMBA taken on the Hungarian Specialty by Liliom Barbara

17.05.2009. Great results on the Slovakian Specialty! judges: Mrs Berton-Sarlat, Mr Descamps:ZIMBA got CAC - Club Winner, Best Male, BOB, BEST IN SHOW!!!  &  GAIA: Very Promissing 1, Puppy BEST IN SHOW &  JYLL-NAT: RCAC & ELLE: RCAC & BATISSE: RCAC & BRIE: exc 3

14.05.2009. New photos of ZIMBA and JYLL-NAT

11.05.2009. Czech Club & Specialty show:Saturday: Zimba: RCAC & Jyll: RCAC & Batisse Saturday: RCAC, Sunday: CAC &  Saturday & Sunday Gaia: Very Promissing 1, Best Puppy &  New photos of GAIA &  ZIMBA

04.05.2009. New photos of ICE

26.04.2009. Great results on the Hungarian Specialty! judge: Deborah Penniston Fleming:ZIMBA got CAC - Best Male - Club Winner - BOB - BEST IN SHOW!!!  &  Gaia: Very Promissing 1 & JYLL-NAT: RCAC & ELLE: CAC & BRIE: CAC - Best Female - Club Winner - BOB! & BATISSE: CAC & ICE: Very promissing 1 -Baby BEST IN SHOW!

23.04.2009. HSCH HJCH Ts SHEENA-NAT du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with the beautiful English boy Xanova JETON NOIR "TOKEN" on 19.-20. 04. 2009.!!!

06.04.2009. International show Wieselburg -A:SLY got CACA CACIB BOB

05.04.2009. National show Pápa -H:  FLY got HPJ BOB &  ICE got Very Promissing &  BATISSE got CAC BOB

28.03.2009. National show Nitra -SK:  BATISSE got CAC BOB & New photos of CHARLOTTE

22.03.2009. National show Kiskunfélegyháza -H:  FLY got HPJ & New photos of CHILI & COCO & GAIA

15.03.2009. New photos of ICE and GAIA

08.03.2009. Results from Crufts: BELLE du Chemin des Sorciéres (CH Zimba des Terres Bergéres & CH Sheena-Nat du Chemin des Sorciéres) WHC in the Post Graduate class! (out of 13 entries in this class). Congratulations!

02.03.2009. New photos of CALYPSO

27.02.2009. New photos of DUC & CHARLOTTE

21.02.2009. New photos of DUC

16.02.2009. New photos of ICE and FLY

15.02.2009. Vito & Karol puppies was born in kennel Vom Johannisbach. Congratulations!

26.01.2009. Update: Vito's offspring page.

25.01.2009. New photos of DUC & DUC & VITO

24.01.2009. International show Trencin -SK:  BATISSE got CAC RCACIB

23.01.2009. New photos of DUC & CALYPSO & CHARLOTTE

18.01.2009. First litter was born after our beautiful young male, DUC, in kennel Stary Machnach. Congratulations!

15.01.2009. VITO became BEST GROENENDAEL MALE of the year 2008 &  ELLE became BEST TERVUEREN FEMALE & BEST BERGER BELGES of the year 2008!!!

15.01.2009. Success of our kennel in 2008.!!!

14.01.2009. DUC has a new offspring page.

12.01.2009. New photos of ICE and CHARLOTTE

07.01.2009. COLD AS ICE du Chemin des Sorciéres has a new page

05.01.2009. New photos of CHARLOTTE

04.01.2009. GAIA du Chemin des Sorciéres has a new page

04.01.2009. New photos and video of FLY

02.01.2009. One beautiful Tervueren female is still available from the combination Grimmendans Fourlan & CH Ts Elle des Terres Bergéres!

21.12.2008. Champion show Budapest:COOPER got Champion of the Year 2008. BOB!!!

21.12.2008. National show Budapest:CALYPSO got CAC & COOPER got CAC, DERBY WINNER 2008, BOB! & BRIE got CAC, DERBY WINNER 2008 & BATISSE got CAC, DERBY WINNER 2008, BOB! & New photos of Cooper, Brie, Batisse & FLY

20.12.2008. New photos of the FOURLAN & ELLE puppies.

14.12.2008. Today CLEO du Pré du Vieux Pont was mated wiht HSCH SKCH Ts VITO du Chemin des Sorciéres!!!

07.12.2008. New photos of the FOURLAN & ELLE females puppies. There are still 2 females available! & New video files of the five-week old puppies

30.11.2008. New photos of the FOURLAN & ELLE puppies. & I have a new banner. Please change it on your website. & New photos of FLY

11.11.2008. DUC has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-A, ED 0/0!

09.11.2008. New photos of the FOURLAN & ELLE puppies. & New photos of DUC & FLY

07.11.2008. Young groenedael male for sale! HJCH CALYPSO du Chemin des Sorciéres

31.10.2008. TERVUEREN!!! FOURLAN & ELLE's puppies were born! 2 males & 5 females. First photos!

25.10.2008. New photos of DUC

19.10.2008. CALYPSO & BATISSE & BRIE & passed the Hungarian character test and are selected for breeding!

12.10.2008. New photos of the RIVAL & JYLL puppies. & New photos of DUC

08.10.2008. Great results on the Hungarian Speciality! judge: Mrs Schwarzentruber:VITO got CAC - Special Winner - BOB - BEST IN SHOW!!! & FLY: Puppy Res Best in Show & BRIE: Best Junior female & BATISSE: Best Junior male, Junior BEST IN SHOW!

07.10.2008. New photos of the RIVAL & JYLL puppies. & ELLE is pregnant!!!!!!!! Tervueren puppies expected around 01. 11. 2008.

27.09.2008. New photos of CALYPSO. & BATISSE

24.09.2008. CALYPSO has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-A, ED 0/0! & New photos of the RIVAL & JYLL puppies.

21.09.2008. New photos of VITO & DUC.

18.09.2008. ELLE has a new offspring page. & New photos of Bran

07.09.2008. First photos of the RIVAL & JYLL puppies.

07.09.2008. National show Kecskemét -H:  ALTESSE got CAC & ANGIE got CAC & BATISSE got CAC - BOB
New photos of Batisse & Fly

02.09.2008. We had some fantastic news!!! RIVAL & JYLL's puppies were born! groenendael: 1 male & 4 females, tervueren: 1 female!!!
HSCH Ts ELLE des Terres Bergéres was mated wiht Grimmendans FOURLAN!!! click here for more info
NE Commentry:  HJCH BATISSE du Chemin des Sorciéres exc. 1 in junior class & BEST JUNIOR TERVUEREN! and passed CSAU. Batisse is a son of our beautifull ELLE des Terres Bergéres

01.09.2008. International show Debrecen -H:  COOPER got HPJ and became HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION!

03.08.2008. IN MEMORIAM! HJCH U'NIKO du Chemin des Sorciéres 13. 08. 1998. - 03. 08. 2008.

29.07.2008. JYLL is pregnant!!!!!!!! Groenendael & Tervueren puppies expected around 30. 08. 2008.

19.07.2008. International show Szombathely -H:  CALYPSO got HPJ - BOB! and became HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION! & ELLE got CAC - CACIB and became HUNGARIAN SHOW CHAMPION!

14.07.2008. Great results on the SKBS Speciality! judge: Mrs M.F. Berton-Sarlat:JYLL-NAT got CAC - Best Female  & CALYPSO Res. CAC jugend

04.08.2008. New photos of the BRENDO & SHEENA puppies.

01.07.2008. HSCH EUCH Ts sr JYLL-NAT du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated wiht CH sr RIVAL de la Fureur du Crepuscule!!!

22.06.2008. New photos of the BRENDO & SHEENA puppies. One male is still available!

15.06.2008. New photos of the BRENDO & SHEENA puppies.

14.06.2008. International show Pécs -H:  CALYPSO got HPJ - BOB! & ELLE got CAC - CACIB - BOB

08.06.2008. National show Tiszafüred -H: Our young male  CALYPSO (Vito & Jyll) got HPJ - BOB! & ELLE got CAC - BOB

03.06.2008. First photos of the BRENDO & SHEENA puppies.

01.06.2008. National show Székesfehérvár -H: COOPER (Vito & Jyll) got HPJ, BOB! International show Salzburg -A:SLY got CACA CACIB BOB

27.05.2008. BRENDO & SHEENA's puppies were born! 3 males & 1 female


11.05.2008. Great results on the DKBS Special! CH Vito got 2 exc & Vanessa got 1 exc & Elle got 3 exc

11.05.2008. International show Budapest 2: BATISSE got exc 1 - HPJ - BOB!

10.05.2008. International show Budapest 1: BATISSE got exc 1 - HPJ -BOB! and became HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION!

06.05.2008. Our available puppies: EXTRA (tervueren female) & ENJOY (groenendael female)

03.05.2008. Great results on the Slovakian Speciality! judges: Mrs P. Stern-Hanf/groenendael, Mr M. Griol/tervueren:VITO got CAC - Club Winner, Best Male  &  JYLL-NAT: CAC & ELLE: CAC & BRIE: Best Junior female, Junior BEST IN SHOW! & BATISSE: Best Junior male

22.04.2008. Great results on the Hungarian Speciality! judge: Mrs A-M Heraly:VITO got CAC - Club Winner - BOB - BEST IN SHOW!!!  &  SHEENA: CAC - Club Winner & JYLL-NAT: CAC & ELLE: CAC - Club Winner - BOB - Reserv BEST IN SHOW!!! & BRIE: Best Junior female, Junior BEST IN SHOW! & BATISSE: Best Junior male & our kennel BEST BREEDING GROUP

22.04.2008. Many new photos of the 5-week old puppies. Some puppies is still available! & New photos of Brie & Batisse

12.04.2008. Many new photos of the 4-week old puppies.

06.04.2008. New photos of the 3-week old puppies.

30.03.2008. New photos of the 2-week old puppies.

30.03.2008. National show Kalocsa: BRIE got exc 1 - HPJ (Hungarian Prima Junior)

24.03.2008. HJCH Ts SHEENA-NAT du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated wiht CH sr BRENDO de Bruine Buck on 21. 03. 2008.!!! & New photos of the 11-day old puppies

15.03.2008. Groenendael & Tervueren puppies were born! groenendael: 2 males & 4 females, tervueren: 2 females

15.03.2008. New photos of Calypso

11.03.2008. Today Sheena started her season, we plan our trip to Brendo in the coming days!

10.03.2008. Results from Crufts: EUJCH YZMIR won the Post Graduate class!!! (out of 8 entries in this class). Congratulations!

04.03.2008. Angie & Altesse both have been x-rayed. Angie's official result is HD-A, Altesse's official result is HD-A

03.03.2008. Vanessa-Nat became NETHERLANDS CHAMPION!!! She is already the second dog from our kennel, which fulfilled the requirements of having this champion title. Thank you very much Sjouk. Congratulations!

21.02.2008. New photos of Angie ( Usky & Natasha)

13.02.2008. New photos of Brie  & Batisse (Stavropol & Elle)

10.02.2008. New photos of Vito & Duc & Elle & Bran

04.02.2008. Tervueren & Groenendael breeding plans for spring

04.02.2008. New photos of Bran & Yetta

26.01.2008. New photos of Duc

22.01.2008. New photos of Duc

13.01.2008. Dana du Chemin des Sorciéres has a new page

05.01.2008. VITO became BEST GROENENDAEL MALE of the year 2007 & BEST BERGER BELGES of the year 2007!!!

05.01.2008. Success of our kennel in 2007.

05.01.2008. Calypso & Duc du Chemin des Sorciéres have new pages

02.12.2007. New photos of Brie & Batisse

23.11.2007. New photos of Calypso

02.11.2007. New photos of Altesse

23.10.2007. VITO has a new offspring page.

21.10.2007. International show Budapest 2: AROD got exc 1 - HPJ - BOB!

20.10.2007. International show Budapest 1: AROD got exc 1 - HPJ and became HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION!

14.10.2007. Dortmund National show -D: SHIVA-NAT got CAC and became VDH CHAMPION!!!

13.10.2007. Dortmund Bundessieger show -D: VANESSA got RCAC RCACIB

07.10.2007. DKBS Herbsttreffen: Vito got CAC - Best Male- BOB!

07.10.2007. JWW Ts VEGA du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated by Multi CH Ts ZIMBA des Terres Bergéres

22.09.2007. New photos of the 5,5-week old puppies. Some puppies is still available!

16.09.2007. Hungarian Speciality: Vito got CAC- Special Winner- Best Male- BOB- BEST IN SHOW!!! judge: Mrs Lawless

09.09.2007. New photos of the 3,5-week old puppies.

06.09.2007. Our breeding plans for 2008

29.08.2007. New photos of the 2-week old puppies ( Vito & Jyll)

28.08.2007. NE Commentry:VITO got exc 7, and passed CSAU+TAN

19.08.2007. New photos of Black-Jack our last available puppy from Zimba & Sheena, & First photos of Vito & Jyll puppies

18.08.2007. Brie & Batisse du Chemin des Sorciéres have new pages

14.08.2007. Vito & Jyll's puppies were born! Groenendael: 4 males & 2 females, tervueren: 1 male

12.08.2007. One beautiful male is still available from the combination CH Ts Zimba des Terres Bergéres & CH Ts Sheena du Chemin des Sorciéres!

23.07.2007. JYLL is pregnant! Puppies expected around 17. 08. 2007.!

16.07.2007. New photos of the 8-week old puppies ( Zimba & Sheena). One beautiful male is still available!

30.06.2007. International show Székesfehérvár:VITO got CAC CACIB BOB  & YZMIR got HPJ and became HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION!

20.06.2007. New photos of the 5-week old tervueren puppies ( STAVROPOL & ELLE)

15.06.2007. Today EUCH Ts sr JYLL-NAT du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated wiht SKCH Ts VITO du Chemin des Sorciéres!!!New photos:  Vito & Yzmir

08.06.2007. Euro Dog Show Zagbreb:Yzmir EUROPEAN JUNIOR WINNER 2007!!! became Croatian Junior Champion  &  Vito got CAC - RCACIB  &  Vega-Nat got CAC  & Sly-Nat got RCAC

06.06.2007. New photos of Vito

05.06.2007. Fantastic success on the Czech Speciality. judge: Mrs Lawless - Mrs Stern-Hanf. Sunday:  Vito got CAC- Special Winner- BOB- BEST IN SHOW!!! & Jyll-Nat got CAC - Special Winner &  Vega-Nat got CAC  Saturday:  Vito got CAC-Club Winner-BOB & Jyll-Nat got CAC &  Vega-Nat got CAC, Club Winner & our kennel BEST BREEDING GROUP all variety

04.06.2007. VITO became SLOVAKIAN CHAMPION!

28.05.2007. Great results on the DKBS Special - Hellenhahn! judge: Mrs Van Deijl - Mrs Berton Sarlat CH Vito got 1 exc RCAC & Vanessa got 1 exc RCAC,  Jyll-Nat 2 exc, Karol-Iza 3 exc

22.05.2007. Zimba & Sheena's puppies were born! 5 males & 2 females

21.05.2007. Great results on the BSB e.V Special - Diemelsee! judge: Mr Klapproth - Mr Desschans saturday: VDH CH Karol-Iza got CAC, BOB, BEST IN SHOW! & sunday: Vanessa got CAC, Best female

12.05.2007.  Tervueren puppies were born! & New photos of Vito

06.05.2007. Great results on the Slovakian Speciality! judge: Mr Paul Lawless:VITO got CAC - Club Winner - Best Male  &  YZMIR: Puppy Best in Show & AROD: Baby Best in Show & JYLL-NAT: CAC &  VEGA-NAT: CAC-Club Winner - BOB - BEST IN SHOW!!! & our kennel BEST BREEDING GROUP all variety

06.05.2007. Dortmund Europasieger show -D: KAROL-IZA got RCAC RCACIB & SHIVA-NAT got V2 Res VDH-CH

29.04.2007. Angie du Chemin des Sorciéres has a new page

29.04.2007. SHEENA is pregnant! Groenenael puppies expected around 20. 05. 2007.! & New photos of Vito

28.04.2007. International show Oldenburg -D: VANESSA-NAT got CAC CACIB & SHIVA-NAT got RCAC RCACIB!!!

22.04.2007. Great results on the Hungarian Speciality! judge: Mr Jesper Andersson:VITO got CAC - Club Winner - BOB - Reserv BEST IN SHOW!!!  &  YZMIR: Puppy Best in Show & ANGIE Baby Best in Show & JYLL-NAT: CAC &  VEGA-NAT: CAC

18.04.2007. ELLE is pregnant! Tervueren puppies expected around 13. 05. 2007.! & New photos of Yzmir & New photos of Vito

15.04.2007. National show Pápa -H: VITO got CAC BOB, & SHEENA-NAT: CAC & VEGA-NAT: CAC

15.04.2007. International show Wieselburg -A:SLY got CACA CACIB BOB

14.04.2007. International show Erfurt -D:KAROL-IZA got CAC CACIB

18.03.2007. Today HJCH Ts SHEENA-NAT du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated wiht Multi CH Ts Zimba des Terres Bergéres!!! & New photos of Yzmir

17.03.2007. National show Nitra: VITO got CAC, Winner of Slovakia, BOB

14.03.2007. TERVUEREN LITTER! HJCH ELLE des Terres Bergéres was mated wiht sr STAVROPOL de la Clairiére aux Louves!!!

11.03.2007. SLY has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-A, ED/00!

01.03.2007. Elle des Terres Bergéres has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-A!

26.02.2007. Shiva-Nat became CAC-BOB National Show Rheinberg - Germany & New photos of York

03.02.2007. Vanessa-Nat became CAC-CACIB International Show Eindhoven - Holland & New photos of Ash

27.01.2007. International show Trencin: VITO got CAC CACIB BOB

19.01.2007. New groenendael & tervueren plans!

06.01.2007. Our available puppies: Yff & Zefirelli & Ash & Azzaro  NEW PHOTOS!

01.01.2007. Success of our kennel in 2006.

26.12.2006. New photos of the 5-week old puppies ( USKY & NATASHA)

24.12.2006. Our available puppies: Yff & Zefirelli  NEW PHOTOS!

16.12.2006. National show Budapest:VITO got CAC,DERBY WINNER 2006! & ELLE got CAC

14.12.2006. Our available puppies: Yasper & Yff & Zefirelli

05.12.2006. Our tervueren ELLE passed the Hungarian character test.

04.12.2006. International show Wels:SLY got CACA CACIB BOB

22.11.2006. Usky & Natasha's puppies were born! Tervueren: 1 male & 1 female, Groenendael: 2 males & 1 female

19.11.2006. New photos of VITO

11.11.2006. Our available puppies: Yasper & Yff & New page of YZMIR & YORK

09.11.2006. World Dog Show Poznan:VEGA-NAT: Junior WORLD WINNER 2006!!!

08.11.2006. International show Bleiswijk:VANESSA: CAC, Best female

04.11.2006. International show Nitra:VITO: CAC CACIB

26.10.2006. INTERVARIETY LITTER! Lanaken NATASHA was mated wiht sr USKY du Crépuscule des Loups!!!

23.10.2006. New photos of the 7-week old puppies ( Viking & Jyll). Males are available.

22.10.2006. Our breeding plans for 2007

17.10.2006. New puppy photos (Tex & Cleo)

16.10.2006. Bundessieger show Dortmund: VENISE: Bundesjugendsieger, VANESSA 2 excellent (judge: Mrs Varlet)

10.10.2006. New photos of the 5,5-week old puppies ( Viking & Jyll).

02.10.2006. Bundessieger show Tulln:VITO: Jugendbundessieger, Qualified for Cruft's 2007 & VEGA: Jugendbundessieger, Qualified for Cruft's 2007, BOB & SLY: CACA CACIB Bundessieger,Qualified for Cruft's 2007 (judge: P. Stern-Hanf)

02.10.2006. New photos of ULZAR du Chemin des Sorciéres & SLY du Chemin des Sorciéres

30.09.2006. New photos of the 4-week old puppies ( Viking & Jyll)

29.09.2006. Tex & Cléo's puppies were born! 3 groenendael males & 2 tervueren males

24.09.2006. National show Cegléd:our tervueren femelle ELLE got HPJ and became HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION! & VEGA got HPJ, BOB and became HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION!

03.09.2006. Viking & Jyll's puppies were born! 6 males & 3 females

30.08.2006. NE Commentry:SHEENA got exc 9 in intermediate class, and passed CSAU+TAN & VANESSA exc 3 in junior class

30.08.2006. International show Innsbruck:SLY got CACA CACIB BOB & International show Debrecen:QRACK got CAC CACIB BOB & new photos of QASSO

22.08.2006. VITO du Chemin des Sorciéres: HD/A, ED: 0/0, PRA, Cataract: neg.

11.08.2006. Jyll is pregnant! Puppies expected around 01. 09. 2006.!

30.07.2006. Success of our kennel on speciality shows

28.07.2006. Today Cléo du Pré du Vieux Pont was mated with Multi CH s. Ts sr Tex des Terres Bergéres!

27.07.2006. New photos of ELLE des Terres Bergéres

09.07.2006. National show Szolnok:VITO got HPJ, BOB & our tervueren femelle ELLE got HPJ, BOB

01.07.2006. National show Budapest:VITO got HPJ, BOB and became HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION!

30.06.2006. Today EUCH sr Jyll-Nat du Chemin des Sorciéres was mated with HSCH sr Viking des Terres Bergéres!

22.06.2006. New show results & new photos of VITO & ELLE

23.05.2006. NVBH clubmatch:Vanessa-Nat got exc 1 in the youth class!!! & Sheena-Nat: exc 2 &  Jyll-Nat: exc 2

17.05.2006. New photos of ELLE

08.05.2006. Hungarian Speciality: saturday VITO, sunday ELLE got Junior R. Best in Show!!! & New photos of VITO & VEGA

23.04.2006. International show Tata sunday: Sheena-Nat got CAC CACIB BOB!! Fara-Yazoo: CAC RCACIB,  Qrack: CAC CACIB

22.04.2006. International show Tata saturday: sr Jyll-Nat got CAC RCACIB, Fara-Yazoo: CAC CACIB

15.04.2006. New puppy photos & New photos of VANESSA & VEGA

01.04.2006. National show Pápa: Sheena-Nat got CAC, BOB &  New puppy photos

23.03.2006. New photos of SLY & VEGA

16.03.2006. new photos of our tervueren female: ELLE des Terres Bergéres  & QASSO du Chemin des Sorciéres

25.02.2006. New photos of Nicole

19.01.2006. Success of our kennel in 2005

10.12.2005. Our groenendael female Sheena-Nat got HPJ, DERBY WINNER 2005., BOB!!!

10.12.2005. Our tervueren QRACK got HPJ, DERBY WINNER 2005., BOB!, new photos.

04.12.2005. Our tervueren QRACK passed the Hungarian character test.

03.12.2005. new photos of our tervueren female: ELLE des Terres Bergéres

27.11.2005. Qrack has been x-rayed. His official result is HD-A!! (tervueren)

26.11.2005. new photos of Qasso (tervueren)

11.11.2005. new photos of Ulzar (tervueren)

01.11.2005. New photos of Venise our last available puppy from Rival & Natasha

30.10.2005. International show Tata:Sheena-Nat got HPJ, BOB and became HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION! Cleopatra-Yazoo: CAC CACIB, Z'Izabell: CAC RCACIB

20.10.2005. Our available puppies: Vanessa & Venise

28.09.2005. EUCH sr Jyll-Nat got CAC, BOB on the BSB e.V Special - Bad Harzburg!!! & new photos of Ulzar (tervueren)

17.09.2005. Sheena-Nat got Junior Best in Show on his first show at the age of 9-month old! & new photos of Sheena & new photos of Qrack (tervueren)

28.08.2005. Qrack became HUNGARIAN JUNIOR CHAMPION! & new photos of Sheena

06.08.2005. New photos of the 5-week old puppies

31.07.2005. Rival & Natasha's puppies were born! 2 males & 5 females

24.07.2005. New photos of the 3-week old puppies

13.07.2005. New puppy photos

04.07.2005. Groenendael & Tervueren puppies were born!

03.07.2005. Qrack got BOB, BOG 3. on his first ever show at the age of 9-month old

29.06.2005. Sheena-Nat du Chemin des Sorciéres has a new page, new photos of Shiva & Sly

25.06.2005. Nash (Zimba&Natasha) became USA CHAMPION!!!

03.06.2005. sr Jyll-Nat became European Champion 2005 !!!

31.05.2005. Lanaken Natasha was mated with sr CH Rival de la Fureur du Crepuscule!

25.05.2005. New photos of Qrack & Qasso & sr Jyll-Nat

17.05.2005. sr Jyll-Nat got CAC, Best Female on the DKBS Special!

17.05.2005. CH Zimba des Terres Bergéres got RCAC the DKBS Special!

16.04.2005. sr Jyll-Nat got CAC, Club Winner, Best Female on the Slovakien Special!

28.04.2005. Fara's puppies were born !

25.04.2005. New plans for summer: sr Rival de la Fureur du Crepuscule & Natasha

16.04.2005. sr Jyll-Nat got CAC, Club Winner, BOB, R. Best In Show on the Hungarian Special!

16.04.2005. sr Jyll-Nat du Chemin des Sorciéres became HUNGARIAN SHOW CHAMPION!

13.04.2005. sr Viking des Terres Bergéres became HUNGARIAN SHOW CHAMPION!

01.04.2005. New photos of Nash & Nicole

15.03.2005. New page of Cléo's offspring

07.03.2005. New photos of Tex

26.02.2005. Today EUCH Fara-Yazoo was mated with sr Tex des Terres Bergéres!

08.01.2005. New photos of Qrack & Qasso (tervueren)

29.12.2004. New photos of Prince-Noir

26.12.2004. Success of our kennel in 2004

11.12.2004. New puppy photos & New photos of Prince-Noir

01.11.2004. Donna-Orange became NETHERLANDS CHAMPION!!!

17.10.2004. Donna-Orange became CACL & LUXEMBOURG CHAMPION

11.10.2004. Today Lanaken Natasha was mated with s.r. Viking des Terres Bergéres!

10.10.2004. Donna-Orange became CAC-CACIB-BOB in Zwolle-Holland

02.10.2004.  New links on my Norvegian and Czech link page

28.09.2004. Groenendael & Tervueren puppies were born ! New link on my Danish  and USA link page

23.09.2004. New photos of Prince-Noir and Phalco

14.09.2004. Jyll-Nat  became CAC-CACIB-BOB "2004. Leipzig Sieger"

09.09.2004. Donna-Orange became CAC-CACIB-BOB in Rotterdam, CACL-CACIB-BOS in Luxembourg

New photos of Viking

31.08.2004. NE Commentry: Jyll-Nat & Viking   were selected: SUJET RECOMMANDÉ !!!

15.08.2004. JCH Jerry du Chemin des Sorciéres has a new page

29.07.2004. Today Cléo du Pré du Vieux Pont was mated with Multi CH T.s. Zimba des Terres Bergéres

17.07.2004. Jyll-Nat  became CAC-CACIB International Show Szombathely

03.07.2004. Donna-Orange became CAC-CACIB-BOB International Show Uden-Holland

12.06.2004. Jyll-Nat became CAC-CACIB-BOB, Black-Othello: CAC-CACIB International Show Pécs

Wirginie's puppies were born !

31.05.2004. DKBS special in Singhofen: Jyll-Nat  got CAC !!!

12.05.2004. JCH Jerry-Nat du Chemin des Sorciéres is for sale!

03.05.2004. Our kennel's fantastic successes on Hungarian special show:  Wirginie  became CAC, CLUB WINNER, Best Bitch

17.04.2004. Slovakian breed specialty: Jyll-Nat  became CAC, CLUB WINNER, Best Bitch

11.04.2004. Wirginie became CAC-CACIB, Jyll-Nat: CAC, Jason-Nat: CAC-RCACIB International Show Miskolc

New photos of: Jyll-Nat and Jason-Nat

05.04.2004. Today CH Wirginie was mated with Vendredi des Terres Bergéres

03.04.2004. New photos of Lisa-Bonny and Lewis-Bonny

28.03.2004. Today Z'Izabell was mated with Black-Othello

13.03.2004. Black-Othello became CAC, BOB National Show Nitra

New pages: Jessica du Chemin des Sorciéres, Fara du Chemin des Sorciéres

01.02.2004. Karol-Iza became CAC, CACIB International Show Budapest

26.01.2004. Our last available puppies: Nelson & Nancy (new photos)

29.12.2003. New puppy photos New links on the USA and Italian page

13.12.2003. New puppy plans for 2004.

24.11.2003. Groenendael & Tervueren puppies were born !

22.11.2003. Karol-Iza became Derby Winner 2003 + BOB !!! (new photos)

16.11.2003. Jyll du Chemin des Sorciéres has a new page

06.10.2003. Fara-Yazoo became European Champion 2003 !!!